
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

The Paper Bag Princess

I like the paper bag princess, but it would be better if it was a chapter book. When I read it that is what I thought it was, but it’s a picture book meant for little kids. But I liked when the dragon burned off all her clothes and she could only find a paper bag to wear.

I like the fact that she’s smarter than the prince, and the dragon. She doesn’t need a prince to save her, especially a dumb prince like Ronald who only cares about being rich and having a “real” princess to marry.

Elizabeth calls him a bum. That’s the best part!

Girls don’t need a boy to save them. We save ourselves.

Then she runs off into the sunset in her paper bag.

***Review Copy courtesy of the publisher via netgalley

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Big Nate: The Crowd Goes Wild

Big Nate: The Crowd Goes Wild!Big Nate: The Crowd Goes Wild! by Lincoln Peirce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Review from my 7 year old:

I like Big Nate, because it is funny and I like his friends. I like Big Nate. It made me laugh. You should read Big Nate.

Review from my 9 year old:

I like reading Big Nate books, because after school it's nice to have something fun that puts you in a better mood than reading school books. The drawings are really good and their expressions are so funny. I always like when Nate flips out, and I like the part where they make it look like Charlie Brown.

A couple of years ago, my daughter was having trouble finding things to read she liked, and my mother-in-law bought a couple Big Nate books. They sort of sat around until recently. This summer my son discovered the Big Nate books and he has read every single one we could get our hands on. I've bought them, borrowed from the library, borrowed from friends, you get the picture. We like Big Nate in our house.

I was really excited to share this with the kids.

***Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing for the ARC

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