My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Review posted on Got Fiction?
My 7 year old daughter's review:
"I like it. The pictures are cool, especially in color. I want more pictures though. But the bad guys were funny. My favorite part was where he said Werewolf Alert."
My review:
This was a fun take on Supers-this time we have school for the super villains. If anyone ever saw that movie Sky High it reminded me of that-where they fly to a school especially for Super Villains and they have normal school behavior. There are the cool kids, the new kids, the bullies, it’s a good set-up. It was quite a crack up.
The characters went to classes like "World Domination" with teachers named "Dr. Super Evil" and I caught myself smiling a lot as my daughter read this to me.
The fact that their teachers would have accepted "trying to take over the world" as an excuse for being tardy cracked my daughter up. I got a kick out of the antics since it’s a school of villains, the teachers are a wee bit different than your normal high school or middle school.
I think it was a nice break from reading the Jewel Fairies and Captain Underpants that we read almost every night.
The only thing I'd suggest is that 7 is a bit young to enjoy it to its fullest. I'd recommend this chapter book for age 9 and up.
***Review copy provided by author
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