Cross posted from
Got Fiction? Book Blog:
I know we rarely review YA or MG here at Got Fiction? but with my
kids getting older, I don't really know what's appropriate for them to
read. I've taken a couple chances lately, and found some great books!
Rose and the Lost Princess was one of them.
My 9 year old daughter and I read this one together, so it's only fair that we review it together.
go first. I loved the storyline. For someone who doesn't typically read
YA, I found this book surprisingly good. Not only was Rose an easy
character to relate to, but she was a great heroine. I had no problem
imagining my younger self as Rose. In fact, if I had had this book as a
child, I would have loved it, no doubt.
Rose has been taken from
an orphanage in London to become a servant in a magician's house. She
never once takes her position for granted and is incredibly happy to be
earning her own way. She's maybe 10 or so, and in the first book, she
uses her magic to save some children from a witch. So now the household
staff are very wary of her. The public is starting to get a little
nervous at the thought of magicians having so much power. It almost
turns into full-scale riots at one point.
The national treasure is
a princess, a 7 year old girl named Jane. After a botched kidnapping by
magical means,Rose's master goes into a tizzy. He has to prove to the
king, and to the people, that not all magicians are like the witch from
book 1. At the same time he has to find out who tried to kidnap Princess
But of course, it's Rose who solves the mystery, while at the same time endangering her own life. She wants to help.
writing was fabulous. It was easy enough for my third grader, but it
was also challenging enough to keep her interest. Books that are "too
easy" are "baby books" to her. From an adult standpoint, I never felt as
if I were reading a children's book. The language and descriptions were
flawless. I loved this book.
My daughter:
I loved Rose, but I loved her talking cat Gus more. He was funny and I have a cat who I wish could talk like Gus.
I also loved Rose's friend Freddie even though he was sometimes mean, and Bella was cool too.
bad guy wasn't caught though and I want to know what happens to him.
And I also want my mom to buy the first book so I can see how Rose
defeated the bad witch.
The best part was when Rose figured out how to bring Jane back.
I think it ended too fast though. It felt like there should be more where the bad guy was caught and put in jail.
So there you have it, talking cat, magicians and princesses. What more could a nine year old want?
***ARC courtesy of Sourcebooks Jabberwocky Kids